Godfrey Hirst New Zealand proudly announces the successful completion of a significant operational and sustainability initiative at our Oamaru yarn dyeing and spinning plant.

With a clear mission to reduce carbon emissions and enhance energy efficiency, we replaced the existing 5.4 MW coal-fired boiler with a smaller 3.0 MW electric resistive boiler, backed by support from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) and Lumen Engineering Consulting Services.

We also undertook other related efficiency initiatives including the introduction of steam coils (instead of steam injection) to Dye Line 1 and the installation a heat recovery plant.

To further enhance the environmental impact of the upgrades, we committed to the long-term purchase of a certified renewable energy product from Meridian Energy to supply electricity to the new boiler.1

Taken together, the upgrade has yielded very significant outcomes, including:

  • Putting an end to the annual discharge of approximately 3,020 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gas emissions associated with the coal boiler.2
  • Eliminating the need to manage roughly 54 tonnes of coal ash annually.3
  • Significantly reducing steam and water usage at site.
  • Enhancing product quality through consistent dyeing and improved process control.
  • Improving health and safety by reducing the risk of vat overflows.


1 In connection with the boiler upgrade, Godfrey Hirst NZ Ltd has signed a long-term Commercial Electricity Supply Agreement with Meridian Energy Limited for the volume of electricity used by the new boiler. Electricity supplied under this agreement is a ‘Certified Renewable Energy Product‘, which means that the grid electricity supplied under the agreement for the new boiler is linked on an annual basis with an equivalent amount of electricity put into the national grid from one of Meridian’s hydro power stations or wind farms, which have been independently verified as producing 100% renewable electricity.
2 The estimated avoidance of approximately 3,020 t CO2-equivalent is based on eliminating the actual greenhouse gas emissions associated with the replaced coal boiler in calendar year 2022.
3 Coal ash generation is an estimate based on actual coal usage in calendar year 2022 and an assumed ash generation of 4% of total coal consumed by the replaced coal boiler.

Authored date: 01/12/2023
